Suraj Khandelwal makes his foray into Hindi Film with a film tobe produced by his uncle Lalit Paikrey !

Suraj Khandelwal makes his foray into Hindi Film with a film tobe produced by his uncle Lalit Paikrey !

Suraj Khandelwal -

Suraj Khandelwal. Does the name ring a bell!?Hardworking, committed, energetic & focused on his work with a zeal to achieve and deliver to best of my abilities,Suraj is all set to be launched as a lead actor in one of the Bollywood movies to be produced by his cousin-brother  Lalit Paikray.

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“Yes,Suraj will be launched in an important role in one of my upcoming movies,” confirms Paikray.

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“I fulfill my responsibilities with the best of practices and ask for inputs for constant betterment,” says Suraj trying to prove that “a dream can become a reality if you take the risk to dream it and achieve it.”

Suraj Khandelwal


1.Where do you belong to?

Ans.- Ranchi in Jharkhand,now known as the land of Indian cricket’s superstar Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

2.Was acting your childhood dream?

Ans.- Yes.

3.Who inspired you to become an actor?

Ans.- My father.

4.How was your family support for your career move?

Ans.- Though the family was against joining me Bollywood,my Dad stood firmly by me.

5.With so many newcomers around,how do you strategise your plan to be successful in your career?

Ans.- Hard work and right opportunity.

6.Your idol?

Ans.- Aamir Khan

7.Your educational background?

Ans.- B.Com,final year.

8.Your hobby?

Ans.- To perform infront of the camera till my last breath..