Mr.RAVINDRA S. DUPARGUDE / K.RAVI, MANAGING DIRECTOR , INDIA MEDIA LINK & EVENTS MANAGEMENT, MUMBAI, distrib;uted Warm Blankets and Sweets & Breakfast to the poor and needy people on the roadside on the eve of `the Republic Day of India 26th Jan 2014.

Mr.RAVINDRA S. DUPARGUDE / K.RAVI, MANAGING DIRECTOR , INDIA MEDIA LINK & EVENTS MANAGEMENT, MUMBAI, distrib;uted Warm Blankets and Sweets & Breakfast to the poor and needy people on the roadside on the eve of `the Republic Day of India 26th Jan 2014.

Mr.RAVINDRA S. DUPARGUDE / K.RAVI, MANAGING DIRECTOR , INDIA MEDIA LINK & EVENTS MANAGEMENT, MUMBAI organized a social cause event for those poor and needy people who sleep on the open footpath in freezing cold.


This noble initiative will incorporate distribution of warm blankets to those people at the hands of Mr. Anil Gore an International celebrity who was recently spotted in recently released and acclaimed film Miss Lovely.

Mr. Manoj Shrivastava, Mr Ashwin Shah, film Director, Mr. Himatrai Khanvilkar ( Editor in chief ) , and a very well known VIP person Dr. Tatyarao Lahane ( MD JJ Hospital ),

Zara Saudagar a social worker, and Samir Parab who were there early in the morning at 3 am to be part of this very noble and humble cause on the eve of the Republic Day of India 26th January 2014.

The event took place near Parel Tata KEM Hospital Ortho Branch footpath.

This was followed by hoisting the National flag on 26th January, and paying respect to our Motherland and distributing Sweets and Morning Breakfast to the poor and downtrodden who have made footpath their home.