Aamir Khan, the Bollywood superstar, took the stage at Agenda Aajtak 2013 to call for political awakening across the country.

Rejecting all notions that he was considering a career in politics, Aamir said, “I have no intention of joining politics. I am happy doing what I do. But, I believe that all of us are political and social animals. And being politically conscious, being able to take the right decision is crucial if we want to change the country”.


Aamir Khan also attributed his positive outlook to life to the teachings his mother imparted him with. Citing various examples, Mr Khan said his mother drilled positive thoughts, empathy into him. “I have never felt that a movie has done well and I should have been in it or a certain role should have gone to me instead of the other actor”, Aamir said. The versatile actor listed Sanjay Dutt’s role in Munnabhai and Ranbir Kapoor’s act in Barfi as something he admires.

Asked about an actor he admires, Aamir named Salman Khan as the ‘Powerhouse of Star Power’. “Salman is a much bigger star. I saw Dabangg and really enjoyed it. While all of us need a good director, a good production team to make a good film, all Salman needs to do is take of his shirt and dance around a little”, Aamir said.

The 48-year old actor, who has essayed a physically demanding acrobat’s role in the upcoming Dhoom-3 said he still feels as if he was just 18-19 years old. “I end up calling persons much younger than me ‘Uncle’ because that’s what they look like”, quipped Aamir.