Sam productions upcoming film “Dekho…..Yeh Hai Mumbai” is written and directed by sneh tuli, basically this film is a satire comedy and with actors like Preeti Jhangiani ,Sharat Saxena,Neeraj Vora,Brijendra Kala and Brijesh Hirji, it has turned to be the funniest comedy ever seen. Sneh Tulli is multi-talented female who runs a real-estate business, also a Painter, a Singer, a Lyricist, a Writer and now a Director with the completion of this film.
In the initial stage, while shooting the film, director Sneh Tuli got into fight with the cop’s which landed-up at the location asking for bribe, cause as per them, the shooting which was going on, was been carried in the slum area without any permission, where people gathered in heavy amount to see the shoot causing traffic, which was not at all true as the director sneh tuli had already acquired the permit to carry out shooting over there and was taking good care of handling the crowd and not causing any traffic and was trying her best to complete the shoot as fast as possible. she showed them(COP’S) the permit papers and gave good firing as they came for bribe, as to which the cop’s replied with dead silence and were back on their way.
Sneh Tuli would be the first female director to direct a satire comedy in Bollywood. She completed the movie in flat 20 days schedule without disturbing anything of artists’ schedules, she has been grabbing the mammoth attention of the producers as every filmmaker wants the film to complete in shortest time and she is an apt choice to complete the movies as quick as lighting. Thus she is in demands.