Nehru Centre Art Gallery resonated with the sound of laughter when when actor Vinay Pathak took centrestage with his quips as he inaugurated Varsha Vyas and Neeta Pathare’s painting exhibition titled Feminine Felicity. Vinay arrived dot on time, and patiently looked at the works of both artists, taking ample time to understand each artist’s technique in detail. And the actor kept everybody right from the oldies to the kids entertained till the time he left with his genuineness and his infectious sense of humour.
Says Vinay, “Both artists have their own style of looking at the subject – Feminine Felicity. While one is realistic, the other is abstract. And I like the approaches.”
Model and actor Sheena Chohan was there with her mother Harry Chohan to cheer the women painters. Besides this, Anusha Srinivasan Iyer and Ashish Vyas of Art Buy Appointment, artists of the likes of Prakash Bal Joshi, Gunjan Cowlagi, Amisha Mehta, Madhumita Bhattacharya, Madhusudan Kumar, Sonali Chaudhari, Neeti Hegde, Rashmi Pitre, Shabana Chawla joined in the celebrations.