View Art by Appointment in Mumbai

The brainchild of three young entrepreneurs, Art Buy Appointment (ABA) with its first gallery at 401 B, Foreshore, Juhu, Near Sea Princess Hotel, is a venture wherein, we give an opportunity to emerging talents who may otherwise not be able to afford to showcase their works, at no cost and sell them, thereby keeping the flame of art and culture alive. Hence, an  emerging talent gets a chance to showcase his works with Marketing, PR and Gallery Space at absolutely at no cost.


At the same time, ABA will also showcase works of old masters like MF Husain, Raza and others alike with the younger artists as well as promote works of those who aim to create a niche with their art.


Our first exhibition, titled “Nibiru Shall Also Pass”, showcases the works of artist-colour therapist Amisha Mehta and veteran painter Prakash Bal Joshi.


The exhibition opens on Jan 18 at 5pm and will be on till Jan 30. For the first three days, the gallery will be open to all, following which it will be Art By Appointment, wherein you call, fix a time and view the art at your convenience.

ABA is soon handling three galleries more in the coming two months, one in Bandra (East), another in Bandra (W) and the third in Andheri (W).

“The aim is to make as much walls available to the artists and at the same time take the paintings to where the buyers are. These four galleries will merely be the beginning of a movement,” avers Anusha Srinivasan Iyer, partner – ABA.

Adds Aashish Vyas, a Chartered Accountant by qualification and a well known Financial Consultant, “My wife Varsha is an artist and her creativity sparked of an interest in paintings. Hence, when we three like minded people met, we decided to go ahead and set up an enterprise to help young artists. The beginning is with my premise at Juhu.”

Adds Nandini Viswanathan, “along with the city art galleries, ABA also plans to have a full-fledged online gallery wherein, we connect with all international galleries and collectors. So our artists not only get a chance ro showcase their works on walls, but have a 24 hour global gallery  where we also create their own homepage as well. Work is on for the same.”

Incidentally, Anusha Srinivasan Iyer is also a veteran journalist-media strategist, and the woman behind the Acoustics Revival Forum, wherein musicians get a  chance to display their skills as well as keep their art alive down the generations. Steps are on to preserve the folk musical instrument culture in India as well. The galleries will also find space to promote music and musical instruments of our country.

Doomsday theory based on Mayan calendar is no more confined with Internet forums but it has already become part of popular culture. The Mayan calendar comes to an end on December 2012 triggering fear of the end of the world.

Nibiru, a mysterious celestial object known as Planet X, will collide with the earth. Artists are always occupied with the question of existentialism. Mumbai based artists Amisha Mehta and Prakash Bal Joshi respond to the doomsday theory on canvas in their exhibition titled Nibiru Shall Also Pass from 16th to 30th January at Art Buy Appointment Gallery, Juhu Tara Raod. Amisha Mehta, a mumbai based artist, has also been working with Colour Therapy, always feels that Colour is an important means of self-portrayal, and self-expression…the very merge of one into the other…goes into the process of creating more and more… and voila’, a completely magical world!

Prakash Bal Joshi, a mumbai based artist too, feels a mysterious spiritual connect with rivers-something that seems to stemfrom his childhood tryst with swimming in a river which almost ended in his drowning.Thus he evocatively uses river as a visual metaphorin his works to portray the flow of life

Both working with their unique styles of expression deal with the concept differently coming to a conclusion – Nibiru will also pass, emphasizing belief that there will be another sunshine beyond 122112.Â