Veteran Naseeruddin Shah looks forward to Ali Zafar’s Chashme Baddoor

Veteran Naseeruddin Shah looks forward to Ali Zafar’s Chashme Baddoor

Actor/Singer/Musician Ali Zafar was elated as he heard the news of Naseeruddin Shah traveling with his plays based on Ismat Chugtai’s work to Lahore.The actor who was to travel on work ,made a delay to ensure he was part of the audience to watch Naseer perform live.

Divulges Ali, “I delayed my travel plans just to be present for Naseersaab’s performance…I am a huge fan but never got the opportunity to see him live in his plays….. I admire his passion for his art and the fact that he had come specially to perform Ismat Chughtai’s works, proceeds and donations of which will go to support the museum, library and other activities.”

While Ali gave the veteran a standing ovation after his superlative performance, the two spoke at length about Ali’s forthcoming Chashme Baddoor ,and also praised Ali’s acting prowess –

Says a source “Naseersaab told Ali he was looking forward to watch Chashme Baddoor since the original is one of his favorite films…the two also spoke about a Bollywood project they have been approached for”.