UC Browser’s Miss Cricket Campaign Makes Debut on billboard at New York Times Square

UC Browser’s Miss Cricket Campaign Makes Debut on billboard at New York Times Square


Nishi Singh, winner of UC Miss Cricket, on the Nasdaq billboard at New York Times Square in June’ 2018

UC Miss Cricket Contest delivers increased page views of cricket-related content on UC Browser – 

New Delhi, After almost 2 months of fierce competition, UC Miss Cricket Contest, an exciting campaign from UC Browser, has come to an end, with the winner Nishi Singh featuring on a billboard at New York Times Square. The 21-year old new rising star has also received cash prize of Rs 10 lakh, while the first runner-up Pari Sharma and second runner-up Aishwarya Singh have won Rs 5 lakh and Rs 2 lakh respectively. The 3 winners have also made an appearance on the Indian edition of Vogue magazine.

UC Miss Cricket is India’s first online beauty contest driven only by users vote, without intervention from judges. Winner Nishi Singh, TV beauty from Mumbai, got the maximum “likes” on UC Browser for her warm and friendly personality.

On winning the UC Miss Cricket contest, Nishi Singh said: “Not just winning the competition, it has been a great journey altogether during the entire campaign of UC Miss Cricket 2018. I would like to thank UC Browser from the bottom of my heart for giving me this platform and helping me reach so many people. I have been able to connect with all my new-found fans over multiple social media platforms and I would also like to thank them for their votes and support. Winning the First Prize has been a dream come true, and getting my face on NY Times Square has been an icing on the cake.”


Winner of UC Miss Cricket-Nishi Singh (in the middle), Pari Sharma (First Runner-up, on the left), Aishwarya Singh (Second runner-up, on the right) at the Vogue photo shoot.

UC Miss Cricket Campaign is driving increased Content Consumption and Engagement on UC Browser by Young Users

UC Browser witnessed a jump of 50% unique visitors during the recently concluded IPL 2018. Having transformed itself into a leading content distribution platform, UC Browser provided cricket fans with over 2.5 lakh articles, to meet the increased demand for specialized content from users. The total page views saw a jump of 24% this cricket season and the users spent 10% more time catching up on cricket news versus last year. With more interesting voting and engagement brought by the first edition of UC Miss Cricket Contest this year, the campaign contributed towards the highest single day page views of 220 million for the IPL Cricket related content and total engagement of 45 million on UC Browser.

“In line with our ‘faster speed, richer content’ strategy, we want to add more interactive content by introducing contests such as UC Miss Cricket. We hope to continue with this contest every year. India’s millennials love to express their voice by participating in online activities. With high content consumption and engagement, UC Miss Cricket is not only a platform for young girls but also for young mobile users to express what they like. We believe more and more advertisers will see the great value and potential on such a platform that reaches millions of young audiences across India. ” said Damon Xi, General Manager – India & Indonesia, UCWeb, Alibaba Digital Media and Entertainment Group.

The success of the first UC Miss Cricket Contest also created buzz on social media platforms. YouTubers Lalit Shokeen, Round2Hell and Madras Central added to the craze with their videos, generating combined views of a whopping 7.8 million.  Hashtags #MissCricket and #KeepScoring were also trending on Twitter while the video from Lalit Shokeen trended No. 1 on YouTube and Round2Hell’s video trended at No. 2.

About UCWeb

UCWeb Inc. (UCWeb), a business within Alibaba Digital Media and Entertainment Group, is a leading provider of mobile internet software and services. Since the inception in 2004, UCWeb’s mission has been to provide better mobile internet experience to people around the world. The international product portfolio of UCWeb includes UC Browser (mobile browsing service), UC News (content distributor), 9Apps (Android app store), and UC Union (mobile traffic and monetization platform). UC Browser is one of the world’s top 3 mobile browsers (as per StatCounter). UC Browser has reached 430 million Monthly Active Users, while 9Apps has clocked over 250 million users.