Directed by thewell known director, Dr. Chandra Prakash Dwivedi who had playedand directed Chanakya on DD almost 2 decades ago, has added anotherfeather to his cap. ‘Upanishad Ganga’will air on DD every Sunday at 10 am starting 11th march. Hehas not only directed but also written the script of this TV serial, which isproduced by Chinmaya Mission.
Actors aptlychosen for this serial are Abhimanyu Singh, K.K. Raina, Vishwa Vadola, RushadRana, Amit Bahel, Jaya Bhattacharya, Mukesh Tiwari, Sai Deodhar, Vineet Singh,Zakir Husain, Gagan Malik, Sandeep Mohan, Auroshikha, Ila Arun, Huma Quraishi,Mona Ambegaonkar, Sonal Jha, Seema Azmi, and Chandra Mohan to name a few.
Consisting oftotal 52 episodes, gathering a loyal audience for ‘Upanishad Ganga’ has been a challenge for Dr. ChandraPrakash Dwivedi. Not many in todays generation are aware of the great teachingsof Upanishads. So he took it upon himself to show the world through this serialthe great lessons of Upanishads in a the form of a story.
Upanishad Gangawill make you introspect and answer your doubts. All the queries and doubtsthat we are living with today have all been answered by our ancestors longback.
Indian Philosophymakes up the teachings of Upanishad, which is very important for todays youthto know about their history.
So Upanishad willslowly unearth the various aspects that the people should be aware of.
Today we talkabout the importance of education and, the teachings of Upanishad too stresseson the same. Various other issues and concerns with their solutions have beenaddressed through this TV serial.
Upanishad Gangatouches many such aspects of life that have been forgotten and need to be told.The starting point of this nation has been the Vedik literature and Upanishad Gangaunravels those scripts. Thus, you will not only see this TV serial talkingabout Shah Jahaan and Mumtaz Mahal but also their eldest son and Aurangzeb’sbig brother Darashikoh.