The Indian Luxury Expo associates with PeTA & YouWeCan

The Indian Luxury Expo associates with PeTA & YouWeCan

~ Animal rights organisation PeTA promotes vegan luxury ~

~ supports Yuvraj Singh’s cancer prevention organisation YouWeCan 

The second edition of The Indian Luxury Expo, the desired destination to experience the ultimate luxury, responsibly embraces and encourages a positive impact to the society through its association with Yuvraj Singh’s Cancer Prevention Foundation, YouWeCan and animal rights organisation PeTA.

The 3-day luxury event from 26th – 28th April 2013 at the Grand Hyatt, will donate part of its proceeds for the access to the luxurious experience to YouWeCan, a noble NGO working towards the well being of cancer patients. “The Indian Luxury Expo is a great platform to connect with the audience who can humbly contribute towards the well being of the society. YouWeCan is pushing hard for early detection and is working rigorously to make people more aware about cancer. Early detection of cancer can save many lives. YouWeCan is thankful to Indian Luxury Expo for this partnership and spreading our agenda.”
Yuvraj Singh, Founder of YouWeCan Foundation and Indian Cricket Player said.

On the association, Mr. Karan Bhangay, CEO, The Indian Luxury Expo added, “It’s an honour to be associated with organisations that do incredible work towards well being of every living being be it humans or animals. We are sure that this association will create an impact on the visitors and other participants at The Indian Luxury Expo. “

Simultaneously, PeTA will propel its campaign, “ExtraVEGANza, Be Classy Without Cruelty”.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is associating with The Indian Luxury Expo to promote vegan luxury and to celebrate the wide availability of chic cruelty-free products such as elegant leather-free bags and stylish synthetic leather shoes, cosmetics not tested on animals and gourmet vegan food products. PETA aims to show elite consumers just how easy it is to get the look of animal skins without harming a hair on an animal’s head, to look one’s best with cruelty-free cosmetics and to enjoy delicious vegan chocolates and mock meats.

“There is nothing classy about cruelty to animals. Animals are skinned alive for their fur and skin,  poisoned while being tested upon for cosmetics, and hacked to pieces with dull knives for meat “, says Poorva Joshipura, PETA India CEO. “These days, there are so many varieties of luxurious faux furs and synthetic leathers, cruelty-free cosmetics and delicious vegan food products available, there’s no excuse for causing animals to suffer. We thank The Indian Luxury Expo for giving us this platform to help animals by encouraging visitors to consider being ethical consumers.”