~ Takes in 34 cr at the Indian Box Office ~
The AmazingSpider-Man posted thehighest opening in history for a Hollywood film in India, setting severalrecords and, once again, comprehensively consolidating Spider-Man’s position asIndia’s favourite superhero by far. The film grossed approximately INR 34 crore(approx. USD 6m) in its three day opening weekend starting 29 June with a finaltally of 1236 prints in four languages – English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu andin 3D, 2D and IMAX formats. The film also posted record-breaking highsfor each day – Friday, Saturday and Sunday respectively.
Kercy Daruwala, Managing Director, Sony Pictures India said – “Spider-Manis the most consistently successful movie franchise in India and it’s great tosee that five years since the last movie, and with a whole new cast andstoryline, the franchise is going from strength to strength. What’s importantto note is that a significant part of the box office has come from smallercentres as we have leveraged our strength in distributing and marketing thisfilm across the country.”
The film also got rave reviews with some critics calling it the bestSpider-Man film yet. “Houseful boards across the country this past weekend havemeant that many people have not had a chance to see the film yet. That, alongwith great reviews and word of mouth, leads us to expect to continue thisperformance over the weeks to come,” said Daruwala.
A sequel, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has already beenannounced for release in May 2014. Meanwhile, still to come in an excitingsummer for Sony Pictures is a remake of the 1991 blockbuster TotalRecall with Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel releasingworldwide on 3 August.