Tata Literature Live! The Mumbai Lit Fest showcased Food Tales at ‘Culture Grind’

Tata Literature Live! The Mumbai Lit Fest showcased Food Tales at ‘Culture Grind’

November, 2013: Tata Literature Live! The Mumbai LitFest participated in the ‘Culture Grind’ the monthly art discovery evening which was held at Bandra Base on Saturday, Tata Literature Live! The Mumbai LitFest hosted a session called Food Tales. The session began with the dramatized readings of food-centric poetry followed by prose pieces.

During the performance, actors Dilnaz Irani, Tariq Vasudeva, Himanshu Sitlani and Karan
Makhija read out a piece from ‘Love of food’ by the renowned writer Khushwant Singh who is also slated to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award on 14th November at NCPA. They also read out excerpts about ridiculous restaurants (Restaurants You Don’t Eat At by Busy Bee), Food branding (from God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy), and a piece on old people not dieting (from Mai by Geetanjali Shree) as well as a piece on the cultural importance of food from
Remembering Kedgeree by Adrian Carton.

“Literature and food are man’s best friends. This year, we are trying to bring them together.

Every eats. Everyone should read. Through Food Tales we hope illustrate that there is great
literature in even the most common of topics. What better way to bring Literature to life.” said
Anil Dharker, Festival Director.