Sweating it out is my meditation” says Sooraj Pancholi !

Sweating it out is my meditation” says Sooraj Pancholi !

Sweating it out is my meditation” says Sooraj Pancholi !

Sooraj Pancholi who is currently in his best physical shape ever, has taken to a new fitness regime and sweating it out at the gym, is a major stress buster for the young star.

While Sooraj may already have a drool worthy body, he is now in the process of a physical transformation, with a grueling Spartan workout, as fitness has always been a passion.

Says Sooraj, “I’ve been training really hard and felt I was in my best shape. No cheating and no missing the gym. Sweating it out is my meditation. I’m a calmer person today because gymming has really helped me give vent to all the anger and stress. Now, I cannot live without going to the gym”.