Debutante Swati Sharma who will be seen in director Ajay Yadav’s Movie“OVERTIME” was the Chief Guest to the recently concluded ZOOT (which is a sociocultural fest), where she was asked to judge a dance competition, where in the bestperformers performed in front of a huge crowd
Swati who believes in social causes attended this event where themoney collected would be given for providing education to poor children ascharity. Swati like any other youth believes that children are the forces for tomorrowand believes that education is a must for growth of human beings wants tocontribute in any-way possible for the development of the youths. The charitywhich was given to the poor children who are enthusiastic to study, but sorrowfullycannot because of financial catastrophe. Through these events the organisers ofZOOT make a contribution of the money which comes from the event into charitabletrust, where they have a alliance with NGO’S called “Inseed” and”Humanist”, where they provide them books, clothes, and toys for underprivilegedkids and BMC schools.
According to sources, ‘Swati feels obligedand privileged that she was invited for such a function which addressed a noblecause.’ Sources furthers adds that, ‘ Swati has given a strong and challenging performancein ‘Overtime’ which will catch everyone’s eye and will be an actress to reckonwith in the future’