Superstar for All Stars! Ranveer to Cheer For The Best of NBA In February

Superstar for All Stars! Ranveer to Cheer For The Best of NBA In February 

Ranveer Singh - so;o (2)

Ranveer Singh, warrior hero extraordinaire, is also a committed basketball fan; he has followed the NBA since his childhood. Naturally, the upcoming superstar is thrilled to be invited for an all access, luxury opportunity to attend the NBA All Star Weekend this year. Ranveer will fly off to Toronto, Canada for this star studded, adrenaline driven tournament that has a global following & rides on some of the highest sponsorships of the planet. Best seats to the three crucial games aside, Ranveer also gets a chance to interact with some basketball stars.

“I first began to follow basketball when I was in school. During my vacations, my parents would take me to the USA; where the NBA has a huge following. I was a huge fan of the all-star team of Shaquille O’ Neal, Michael Johnson & the super team of Chicago Bulls. When I went to college at the Indiana University, Bloomington, basketball is a big sport for the town & the university. I would play sometimes, and also support the Indiana Pacers. Watching the university basketball team in action was also something I enjoyed.”

Ranveer has followed basketball with passion ever since, despite his hectic career as an actor. He loves to watch star players like James Harden, LeBron James & Dwayne Wade in action. Kobe Bryant remains a hot favorite too. He is also thrilled with the entry of successful Indian players like Satnam Singh Tamara in the league.

A chance to relish the best of basketball, at an event that gets both global media coverage & exposure is a dream come true for a passionate fan of the game. With Ranveer cheering from the sidelines, NBA weekend also becomes a huge attraction for his exponentially multiplying fan base.