Shraddha Kapoor injured while preparing for ABCD 2

 Shraddha Kapoor injured while preparing for ABCD 2

Shraddha Kapoor is preparing for her next ABCD 2. The actress is training hard for this film in which she plays a dancer. Shraddha has intensive practice sessions as she has to master various dance styles for this film

While learning an extremely difficult move, a split for one of the sequences, Shraddha injured herself. She has been working towards the split for a couple of days.. and even before had done a warm up… However it’s a strenuous move and she landed up injuring herself.

Shraddha got a muscle pull and was in a lot of pain. She was immediately taken care of and is currently undergoing physiotherapy sessions. She has been advised to take rest for a week at least.

Shraddha has been working out and undergoing extensive training. She was dejected as she had to forgo her training for such a long period. She has a mapped fitness plan and has been trying to follow it to the tee but this recovery is important.

​However even while resting Shraddha has decided to make most of her time. She has been watching dance videos of different forms and trying to understand the knack

Her role in ABCD2 is very different from what the audiences have seen her. It’s a very challenging role and she is getting a chance to learn a lot. She has been giving her 100per cent to it. Shraddha is keen to get back on her feet as soon as possible so that she can get going with her training.

Says Shraddha “I guess it was a result of over enthusiasm which led to a partial muscle tear. I guess I have to be a lot more careful while rehearsing because it is very important to understand your body and how much you can push it. But I love dancing so much that I’m praying this injury heals quickly.”