The COLORS Golden Petal Awards night was a star-studded affair. Adding to the glitter and glamour of this small screen award function were Hema Malini, Akshay Kumar, Chitrangada, Sonali Bendre, Juhi Chawla and John Abraham but the brightest of them was Salman ‘Dabangg’ Khan. Amidst some wonderful performances, Salman’s dhinkachika left everyone grooving and moving. Even the leading pairs of Parichay and Uttaran couldn’t stop themselves from dancing to Salman’s tunes. While Sameer and Nandish did the signature step by putting hands in their pocket, the leading ladies Kirti and Tina also gave the steps a chance. However, they were unable to because their sarees were missing the essential pockets!
To make this starry night more memorable, Sallu danced on some of his signature songs Character Dheela, Humka Peeni and Chamiya. To finish his entertaining act, the actor then danced to tracks from different soaps of COLORS. Completely wowing his fans in the audience, the actor was undoubtedly the eye candy for all the women in the event. Amidst the attention he was getting, one lucky lady fan of his actually managed to walk up to him and gave him a tight hug. Truly, Salman seems to be ever ready to entertain his fans be it big screen or silver screen.