Revealed: Justin Bieber is an Alien

Revealed: Justin Bieber is an Alien

A startling revelation for the fans of Justin Bieber…he is an Alien! Forthose who do not like the eenie meeni mo singer will surely have a galatime laughing about it. But the fact remains just the same.

Justin will be seen playing the character of an alien in an upcoming Sci-fiflick MEN IN BLACK 3 of Sony Picture’s. The film having made in 3D will have afourth dimension been added to it by the very presence of the baby boyJustin.

The Indian fans of Bieber are sure to hit the theatres to catch a glimpse oftheir favorite singer who will be seen sitting on the surveillance board withmany other well-known celebs. Talking about which Director Barry Sonnenfeldsaid, “The challenge is getting celebrities that are famous, will give youpermission and won’t be like, ‘Who’s that guy?’ in ten years.”

In previous movies of MIB, Steven Spielberg, Michael Jackson, George Lucas,Isaac Mizrahi and Martha Stewart have been among the names that have flashedacross the screen as being extraterrestrials.

However, will the cameo appearance of Bieber add to the twinkle of MIB 3will soon be revealed as the movie hits the Indian theatres on 25thMay.