Reel actors recreating Real life pictures of Azhar

Reel actors recreating Real life pictures of Azhar

Reel actors recreating Real life pictures of Azhar

Reel actors recreating Real life pictures of Azhar

The makers of Azhar are going all out to create waves with their upcoming film by transcending the reel and real life barriers!
 Reel actors recreating Real life pictures of Azhar-
To make the film as authentic as possible, Emraan and Nargis have also adopted the body languages of their counterparts Azhar and Sangeta. As can be seen in the pictures, Emraan has posed holding Nargis the same way Azhar would hold Sangeeta.
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The excitement towards the film is building day by day and we can’t wait to see Emraan and Nargis re-create the romantic tale of Azhar and Sangeeta onscreen!