RED Teaser Dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi
The RED Movie First Informative Teaser is finally here for Public Viewing.This RED Movie has been Directed by Hollywood & Bollywood filmmaker Nandita Singgha and Produced under the banner of Total Presentation Devices Limited .
This Teaser is a Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi Philosophy Through Crime Journalism and is inspired by True Incidents which started from 11th June 2011 J DEY Murder case.This is based on the life of 10 Crime Journalists based in Gujarat who follow the Non Violence Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi to fight for the Justice as the last lap of revolution in the J DEY Murder case and other Crime based events.
Rebecca Lawson in this RED Teaser is a British Crime Journalist who comes to India representing the worldwide media to break a particular story to and find the missing links.This Hollywood movie RED will also be dubbed in Hindi,Tamil,Telugu,Punjabi,Bengali,Marathi,Gujarati and portrays the greatness of Indian Crime Journalism.