Queen has a “rock-ing” climax ! Literally!

Queen has a “rock-ing” climax ! Literally!

While the climax of Viacom 18 Motion Pictures & Phantom Films’ Queen directed by Vikas Bahl have left most with a feeling of euphoria ,very few know that the scene in question was shot at an actual rock show that the makers organized.

When the crew was shooting for the film in Amsterdam,the world’s party capital ,they heard of the city’s most popular indoor show venue where several concerts took place. That was when director Vikas Bahl decided that the venue made for a fitting location and was adamant on recreating an actual live concert, despite being aware of the challenges shooting at a live rock show would pose.

The team organized a rock show with performances by a band called “Green Lizard” and invited music lovers across Amsterdam to be part of the concert.

The shoot took off smoothly , courtesy the cast and crew’s enthusiasm as well as lead Kangana Ranaut’s energy and participation , resulting into a scene that not only looks and feels real but filled with energy and adrenaline, making for the perfect climax.

Says director Vikas Bahl, “While shooting in Amsterdam we decided to go all out and organize this rock show with Green Lizard and went out into the streets to invite locals across the city….the turnout was unprecedented .We decided to shoot the real live concert as there was a certain energy and vibe that would have been impossible to recreate on a normal set.It was a double whammy as the shoot turned out fantastic and we all ended up having a great time”

Viacom 18 Motion Pictures & Phantom Films’ Queen directed by Vikas Bahl is scheduled to release 7th March.