Pradhuman Singh injured

The talented actor ,Pradhuman Singh was injured while filming an action sequence in his upcoming movie “LIFE KI TOH LAG GAYI”. It was a difficult shot as he needed to jump above the bar table in a hotel and the bar table was a little high than the usual tables. A source present at the shoot says that, ‘Pradhuman started his action sequence, but unfortunately his hand lands on a bottle kept on the table, further the glass broke and few tiny particles pierced through his hands getting him injured.’ Seeing blood pour profusely from Pradhuman’s hand the whole team got panicky and doctors had to be called at the venue immediately.

The doctor wrapped a bandage on Pradhuman’s hand and advised the actor to take rest and the shoot was stalled and was going to be called off. But  Pradhuman  being the thorough professional that he is wanted to continue the shoot. The whole crew asked  Pradhuman  to rest and not exert with the shoot and wanted to call off the shoot, but on  Pradhuman’s insistence and assurance Director Rakesh Mehta,very nervily called for the shot. A unit member reveals that, ‘ Pradhuman removed his bandage so that it looks like a continuation and gave a perfect shot as if nothing had happened’ The action shot was perfect and once the shot was over everyone rushed to  Pradhuman and put a bandage for him


Director Rakesh Mehta and the entire unit of the film has been singing about his professionalism and his dedication towards his work. Unlike the title of the movie the talented actor decided to take control of his life and not delay the shoot as he did not want the shoot to be interrupted because of his hand injury.