Pooja Mishra Sizzles in Hot Pink Bikini !

Sexy and hot ,Big Bosses ‘spareme gal’, Sizzles in a hot pink bikini as she shoots with Inder Kumar [Isa kopikars ex boyfriend] for a magazine cover!

We caught up with model/actress Pooja Misrra at Madh island recently ,wherein she sizzled in a hot pink bikini getting intimate in a pool with guess whom? Actor Inder Kumar …..now now that got us wondering is he not Isa Kopikar’s ex boyfriend? Yes the same Isa Kopikar whose husband  Rohit aka Timmy Narang [survivor india] has been very wrongly linked with Pooja Misrra by Pooja Bedi , for which Pooja Misra has slammed Pooja Bedi with a legal notice!

Wow Pooja sure clears her point with this shoot, needless to say Pooja and Inder sure look hot together!