Pooja Batra, the only Indian Actress at the SUNDANCE FESTIVAL 2012

Pooja Batra, the only Indian Actress at the SUNDANCE FESTIVAL 2012

Actor Pooja Batra, attended the Sundance Film Festival therewas the only Bollywood actor to be present at the festival.


“I was the only Bollywood actress there and I wasoverwhelmed by how nice people were to me”. It  was her first time atSundance and she claims to have loved the experience.


Pooja quotes, “ The whole vibe of Park City is sofestive, friendly and happy. I loved every bit of it. I saw a ton of screeningsand sat through question and answer sessions — it was just awesome. The factthat I could see all these amazing movies and hear the directors and actorstalk after was the best part. I loved Peter Jackson’s West of Memphis. Thebest part was that actor Damien Echols was there too. I also liked TheSurrogate, Sleepwalk with Me, Spike Lee’s Red Lights and the Queen ofVersailles”.


Besides getting to watch movies, the actor also met a coupleof Hollywood actors “I met all my current favorite actors. I metAaron Paul from Breaking Bad, Ryan Kwanten from True Blood, Octivia Spencer,Christina Hendricks (Mad Men) and John Krasinski” an excited Pooja quotesfrom Utah.


Though the actor is based out of LA, she has been quiteclued in to Bollywood. She is  in touch with most of the people she hasworked with. She has also recently finished work on the film The Spiritof Mumbai. “It’s a unique film as the entire team of the movie isAmerican and they have made a Bollywood movie with Indian and American actors.I play the lead in the film,” she informs.


The actor has a company called Glowbellinc inL.A and the company is getting into production, Glowbellinc also acquiresHollywood celebrities for Projects in India.