Percept Pictures (aids + b)² wins the Best Film Award at the Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2016

Percept Pictures (aids + b)² wins the Best Film Award at the Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2016

 Percept Pictures (aids + b)² wins the Best Film Award

(aids + b)² produced, distributed and marketed by Percept Pictures and directed by Venky AV is continuing its dream run by winning one of India’s top honours in cinema at the Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2016.

Percept Pictures has a rich history of accomplishments in mainstream cinema. It has established a strong foothold by consistently innovating and delivering some of the biggest films and hits in the past decade. Percept Pictures has now applied the same success to the Digital domain where they have only just entered by winning such a prestigious award on their very first topical Short Digital Film.

The Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival is organized each year on 30th April to mark the birth anniversary of Late.Shri. Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, who is regarded as the father of Indian Cinema and fondly remembered as Dada Saheb Phalke by the film fraternity across the globe. The mission of the festival is to celebrate the cinema and work of aspiring, young, independent and professional filmmakers.

Percept Pictures (aids + b)² wins the Best Film Award -

(aids + b)² is an interesting black comedy about a 10 year old school boy whose life turns upside down on learning about the existence of a disease called AIDS. The primary intention of the film is to encourage open and right conversation on AIDS and not treat it as a taboo. Though the idea is a serious one to bust the myths surrounding AIDS, the film is not. It is a light-hearted film while addressing a very grave issue and maintaining complete cinematic aesthetics.

Commenting on the win, Danny Mamik, Chief Operating Officer, Percept Pictures said, “It is such an honour to receive this esteemed award for our very first short film venture. Winning the Dada Saheb Phalke Award 2016 in the Best Short Film genre is a huge milestone and extremely motivating for us. Over the past decade Short Films have garnered tremendous interest and made it big across the world to have finally attained the appreciation and acknowledgement they truly deserve. Given the fast pace of society today, this is a category that will only increase in popularly by the day, and I am glad that we have been able to contribute in some way to a bright future.”

Percept Pictures has over the past year become a nurturing ground for young aspiring creative talent. Said Danny, “Short Films can be created by young budding filmmakers and offer them an opportunity to express themselves across many diverse topics close to their heart. Percept Pictures is focused on providing these youngsters with the platform and tools to make their dream a reality. We are glad that our primary award winning film (aids + b)² directed by a Gen Next filmmaker has reaffirmed our faith that we are on the right trajectory of promoting fresh talent.”

He further added, “Percept Pictures has been consistently vocal in the area of Cause Cinema and focused on various key issues and maladies plaguing our society today. (aids + b)² was focused on the addressing the problem of AIDS and the lack of awareness and taboo surrounding it in our society even today. It gives us immense happiness to have won the Dada Saheb Phalke Award in the ‘Social Awareness’ category, thereby encouraging our efforts towards tackling sensitive issues via the mass platform of Cinema and helping create further awareness on the topic of AIDS.”

Watch the film here: http://