Palladium Showcases Reghunadhan k’s Astounding Art work!
Palladium presents an art exhibition, Reghunandhan will showcase his finest arts.Interestingly, his works can be said to be drawing energy directly from the tradition of the great satirists of his home state, Kerala.
Reghunadhan works hardly narrate any stories, rather choosing to dwell on the verge of the abstract.Even with all the loads of multiple references stashed up in his works,Reghunadhan has steered clear of any literary narrative, leaving the sculptures to their own identity.Yet, that element of fascinating absurdity created by juxtaposition of the apparently mismatching objects and ideas is a direct import from his process of story telling.While telling stories, Reghunadhan meanders from one topic and one person to another, yet to another, ending with the stories of totally disconnected people or places.
Likewise, the multitude of objects in his works also emerges as part of this process of driftings and digressions. He moves from object to object in search of a certain balance, just like he shifts from topic to topic while telling stories impetuously.Neither the telling, nor the tale is pre-planned! The end results often breaks every reason and logic.He appears to be making a statement, then appears to be contradicting that very statement.
Palladium showcases Reghunadhan k’s Art works from 15th October onwards for a month.
Venue: Palladium, Level 2,Lower Parel,Mumbai
Time: 11am to 10pm