Movie promotions in Bollywood are reaching new levels every year. Another glaring example of this is the latest strategy being adopted by Rathi Group of Cinemas, which owns a chain of single-screen cinema halls across central India.
For the release of Rohit Shetty’s Bol Bachchan this week, featuring Ajay Devgn, Abhishek Bachchan, Asin, Prachi Desai and a special title track featuring Amitabh Bachchan, the group’s director Akshaye Rathi has come up with a unique promotional concept.
The film features Ajay Devgn as a pehalwaan (strongman) from Rajasthan. Bringing in novelty to promotions at the onset of monsoons, Rathi has called in Rajasthani chefs who would be preparing moong dal ke pakode with pudina chutney, mirchi ke bade (a delicacy from Jodhpur) and kullad ki adrak waali chai.
“These will be served to the audience during the run of the film,” informs the group’s publicist Dale Bhagwagar. “Serving these dishes which are enjoyed most during the rains, could make the movie going experience more enjoyable,” he adds.