Having garnered worldwide acclaim and several international awards, ‘Dhanak’, produced by Drishyam Films, revolves around the eight-year old visually-impaired boy Chotu and his 10-year-old sister Pari, who has promised her younger brother, that he will be able to see by the time he turns nine. Cheerful, spirited and cheeky, Chotu is the life of his small village in Rajasthan, while Pari is his eyes and his best friend. One fine day, Pari sees a poster of Shahrukh Khan (SRK) appealing to people to donate their eyes, and is convinced that her reel life hero can help her fulfil her promise to her brother. And so Pari sets out with Chotu on a magical road trip through Rajasthan where they encounter a motley bunch of characters.
Written and directed by Nagesh Kukunoor, ‘Dhanak’ stars Krrish Chhabria and Hetal Gada as the loveable siblings. Set to hit screens across India on June 17, the film will also have a simultaneous release in USA, Dubai and Singapore. Distributed by PVR Pictures, ‘Dhanak’ has been produced by Manish Mundra, Nagesh Kukunoor and Elahe Hiptoola.