The event mehfil e samaa” held at Blue Sea, Worli, Mumbai was attended by renowned personalities from film and music fraternity. Bhupinder & Mitali Singh, Adnan Sami with wife Roya Faryabi, Salim Suleman, Peenaz Masani, Madhurani, Hariharan. Salim and Lubna Aarif, to name a few. The evening started with an electrifying performance by Talat Aziz, followed by Ustad Rashid Khan. Hariharan who had come as a guest was invited by Talat Aziz on the stage for an impromptu performance. This was followed by mesmerizing Jugalbandi between Ustad Rashid Khan and Hariharan which got a rousing applause from guests.
Mehfil e Samaa in collaboration with Talat Aziz and Saregama is a unique concept created for a niche gathering of traditional music listeners who appreciate Live Indian music across various genres, be it Sufi,Ghazal,Folk,light classical kayal etc. This is an opportunity for music connoisseurs who relish the feel of a live performance to come together and break the monotony of new age music by going back to our traditional roots.
Mehfil E samaa’s objective is to create an intimate musical soirees of musicians across all traditional genres thus creating a memorable experience.