Pitobash Tripathi, the young Irrfan inthe making, stole the show at the Aalaap introduction event, where the youngactor along with director Manish Manikpuri, producers Nishant Tripathi andAbhishek Mishra, co-actors Ruhi Chaturvedi and Miss Sri Lanka Gamya Wijayadasa, kept everyone in splits.
Chatting over samosa, croissants andsoft drinks with rock music resonating through the hall, the team shared theirmoments together in making this film that they believed so strongly in. Pitobashseriously asked Manikpuri typical Bollywood questions and his sense of humourwas contagious.
Says Nishant Tripathi, “Aalaap is afilm which believes in youth power and music. Make music, not war is what theypreach!”
Adds Manish Manikpuri, “Aalaapis the journey of a rockband – a band that promises to be the voice of theyouth, a band that promises to fight violence with music…In a terraininfested with naxalism, these four young men set off on the journey to changethe world, knowing well that they may need to give the ultimate sacrifice in aneffort to gain what they have set out to get.”
Aalaap, also marks the Hindi movie debut of India’s number one rock bandAgnee as full fledged music directors. “The film set in Chhattisgarh isthe first Hindi movie indigenously produced out of the Central Indianstate,” concludes Abhishek Mishra.
Filmy Box and Shri Shankaracharya Arts presents Aalaap…
Cast: RaghubirYadav, Onkardas Manikpuri, Rituparna Sengupta, Amit Purohit, Ruhi Chaturvedi,Harsh Rajput, Pitobash, Aabid Shamim, Vijay Raaz, Abhimanyu Singh, MurliSharma, Krishna Shrivastava and Gamya Wijayadasa.
Director: ManishManikpuri.
Producers: NishantTripathi and Abhishek Mishra.
Release date: July 27, 2012.