Luke Kenny’s untitled zombie film has added another gem to its burgeoning Independent soundtrack. Along with his partner Devaki Singh, they have isolated the classic song ‘Aao Na, Pyaar Karein’ to feature prominently in the film. The song, which was sung by the iconic Nazia Hassan and composed by the legendary Biddu, has been a long standing favourite. It’s to their great fortune that Luke has managed to track down composer Biddu and get his permission and blessing to recreate the classic song for today’s youth audiences.
Legendary Grammy award winning musician BIDDU (Disco Deewane, Qurbani, Made in India, Kung fu fighting etc) has especially flown down to Mumbai to rearrange his Nazia Hassan hit track ‘Aao Na Pyaar Karein’ for friend Luke Kenny’s ZOMBIE? Thriller.
Says Biddu, who introduced the disco and Indi-pop revolution in India “ Initially I was intrigued when Luke and Devaki Singh suggested using Nazia Hassan song ‘Aao Na’. It’s a modern, clubby and yet reminiscent of the original. It has a dance groove, starts with the male vocals before it hits the original chorus. But boy!, It will appeal to the younger generation in a big way. The rearranged track really works and sounds great”
Luke Kenny who has been in the helm of the music industry for the last 15 years, besides Biddu, has got a classy and an eclectic ensemble of musicians to compose tracks that will be in sync and take his film ‘Zombie –Origin Saga’ ahead.
Besides the horror chills, one can be sure, Luke Kenny’s Zombie thriller music track will be a winner and a killer!!
Brief Info on Luke Kenny’s Zombie Film
Kenny Films is pleased to present the ‘Zombie’ genre horror thriller tentatively titled ‘ZOMBIE’-Origin saga, the first feature film in the world that will showcase the journey to the making of a Zombie, the flesh eating monster with a strong sense of violence and cannibalism. Kenny film’s ZOMBIE will showcase the Origin of the primeval fear and the terrifying path of a truly deranged mind gone astray.
ZOMBIE is the collaborative artistic vision of Luke Kenny and Devaki Singh, unabashedly fans of the Zombie genre and experts in this genre, to introduce and elevate the exposure of Zombies, the scariest creatures into a cult sensation in Bollywood. Kenny’s film is under production and is slated for a 2012 release…