Model-turned-actor Kirti Kulhari who rose to fame with her much appreciated performance in SHAITAN will soon be seen in Girish Malik’s “JAL” where the talented actor will be seen playing one of the lead characters. Along with her Purab Kohli, Tannishtha Chatterjee and Saidah Jules will be sharing screen space.
Girish Malik was impressed by the actor’s scintillating performance in her last movie. The critics too appreciated her for her performance, she would be playing one of the crucial and hard hitting role in her forthcoming movie JAL. Director Girish Malik sees lot of potential in her of becoming Tomorrows star, It is the story of a water diviner, a man who knows how to find water in the desert. He is the only hope for the thirsty villagers & as it turns out, even for the European ecologist, Kim, who comes to the desert to save the endangered Flamingos. The birds need water and so do the villagers.