Kashmera Shah wants to gothe Angelina Jolie way!

The latest to be hit by the calorie consciousness bug isBollywood bombshell Kashmera Shah. Not to be left behind in theeating-right-routine, Kash has started living on fruits and salads.

Yes! You heard it right. “Mornings are for fruits andjuices, afternoons for raw greens, and evenings are for”, what else, but “moreraw greens,” she quips with a wink. Ooh la la!

If this goes on, we wonder what’ll happen to her famouscurves! Kash seems to have that too, all sorted out! She gorges on brown breadand butter after the greens! Oh oh! Butter after greens? Then what’s the use ofthe entire strict regimen? “One needs some fats and carbohydrates too, tobalance things out in the body, isn’t it,” she retorts. Ah, yes! We simplyforgot.

“Even if I can match up to Angelina Jolie’s hot-bod, I’ll behappy,” says Kash. All this, while chewing up on lots of iceberg lettuce andbaby spinach, with a few slices of tomato and cucumber thrown on top, withsprinkled Italian seasoning at her favourite snack-spot Indigo; the upmarketrestaurant in Andheri, Mumbai.