KASHISH International Poster Design Contest is back

KASHISH International Poster Design Contest is back !

KASHISH invites designs for the official poster of its 4th edition with the
theme ‘Towards Change’ and a chance to win international recognition

KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival, in its 3rd edition in 2012,
started an exciting initiative which became a worldwide competition – the Poster Design Contest for KASHISH. Celebrity fashion designer Wendell Rodricks
picked the winner – S.Ayyappa, a young student from Andhra Pradesh whose
colorful butterfly theme became the official poster and his design was splashed
on six huge billboards across Mumbai as well as other promotional materials. He received his award from none other than Oscar winning sound designer Resul Pookutty (of Slumdog Millionaire fame)

The poster design contest returns with call for submission for the official poster of KASHISH 2013 to be held from May 22-26, 2013 at two venues in Mumbai. The
theme for the 4th edition of KASHISH is ‘Towards Change’.

The Indian LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) landscape is undergoing
a sea change since 2009 after reading down of Sec 377 by the Delhi High
Court – with more openness from the society towards same-sex loving people.
More youngsters are coming out to their families, coming out to friends and
colleagues; they are living lives without masks. Pride parades are being held in
all the big cities; there are cultural events like film festivals, book readings, panel discussions, photography competitions, etc; several organizations are being formed.

“We are seeing the changes around us, within the LGBT community and in
attitudes of the mainstream society towards LGBT persons. The 4th edition of
KASHISH will reflect this movement ‘towards change’ and connect it to similar
movements around the world with their own struggles, victories, policy changes, legal reforms and family acceptance. The festival will celebrate the freedom to love with dignity”, said Sridhar Rangayan, Festival Director of KASHISH, “The winning poster should highlight this spirit through its design”

The Poster Design Contest invites designers and artists from across the world,
queer or non-queer, to send in their designs for the contest. The contest closes
on January 15, 2013. Entries will be judged by an eminent panel of artists and
designers and the winner will be picked by a Celebrity judge!

The reward includes a KASHISH award plaque, a copy of the poster, a KASHISH
T-shirt and a Festival Guest Pass that allows entry to all festival events during