Singer Kailash Kher recently released his new album “Rangeeleâ€. This album which is recorded by his music company “Kailasa†has one conversational song called “Hudkaan mann biti†which is co-sung by Kailash’s 2 year old son Kabir. About this song Kailash says “I remember, when I was 5 years of age, while playing with my friends we had a rule that the person who would lose the game  had to carry the winner on a piggy back and go from one place to another saying “Hudkann mann bitiâ€. So while I was writing the songs for my album “Rangeeleâ€Â I was reminded of my childhood days and  I thought why not share these memories with my son. And this is how the song “Hudkann mann biti†was born.
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Highlights of day 2 (Sunday, October 20) of MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2024
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