Jacqueline Fernandez goes on her dream Euro-trip

Jacqueline Fernandez goes on her dream Euro-trip

While Jacqueline has traveled the world on the personal front and on her professional commitments , the actress admits to being most excited about her trip to Europe , a continent that has always been her dream-holiday destination.

Confirms Jacqueline, “ My most memorable trip was to Europe. It was my second trip to the continent, but it still amazes me.”

A true romantic at heart, the actress traveled to Paris ,while her favorite monument continued to leave her awestruck – “Paris is the most romantic place I’ve ever seen; it’s chic, full of history and their language is like poetry”.adds Jackie.

The actress along with her family then traveled to Rome, the most highly spoken off cultural-religious hub as they visited the Roman Colosseum,Vatican,Sistine Chapel and the Fontana di Trevi – Says Jacqueline, “Rome is beautiful and there is so much to see there. We saw all the churches and it was the most amazing spiritual experience for me. Rome also has the St Peter’s Basilica, Michelangelo’s paintings and a wishing fountain, the Fontana di Trevi. This entire place is steeped in Roman history”.

Jacqueline who is a huge adrenaline junkie also managed to indulge in water sports – “What I love doing on my holidays is to go deep-sea diving. I went scuba diving in Spain too.” Adds the actress.