IPL Chairman Rajeev Shukla’s Visit to Pune

IPL Chairman Rajeev Shukla’s Visit to Pune

Pune’s premiere educational institute hosted their annual sports awards. This year the prestigious award was presented to Anirudh Deshpande for excellence in sports promotion. Union minister and IPL chairmans Rajeev Shukla was the chief guest. The minister spoke eloquently on the need to promote sports and encourage enterprising sports administrators citing from his personal experience with the cricket board.

Amongst those that we spotted were the Poonawalla brothers, Tehseen and Shehzad Poonawalla, who flew in for this function with Rajeev Shukla, Other guests were Ameya Yeravdekar, Anish Ruikar, Rajeev Yeravdekar, Entrepreneurs Vaidehi Rege and Prafful Sarda financial wizard Ashish Malpani amongst others.  Vidya  Yeravdekar and Dr. Mujumdar played the perfect hosts.