The much talked and written aboutmedia school- ICE – Institute Of Creative Excellence based out of Mumbai,launched its campus at South Extension Delhi today.
Settingup an institute in Delhi stems from the belief of Ms Ekta Kapoor Joint MDBalaji Telefilms & Member of ICE Academic Council– for creatinga benchmark in the field of education and to bequeath power to the dreams ofyoung aspirants whilst imparting the right kind of knowledge.
Nestledin the heart of Delhi at South Extension, this Institute promises to give toits student’s world class education accumulated with wisdom to shine as thefuture stars of the industry.
ICEDelhi facility initially will conduct training of Acting, Modeling, Animation& VFx, Dance and Young Film Maker program for Kids in South Extension,Delhi. In addition to which Delhi which happens to be the Regional office ofICE for North Zone will continue to market and send shortlisted students forother major specializations such as Cinematography, Direction, Editing,Production, Scriptwriting, Sound Recording etc to Mumbai. Students at ICE havethe flexibility of learning as per there convenience as various courses are availablein 2 modes – Full time and Part time.
ICEunderstands the skill set requirements of the industry which as of today issaddled with a large demand- supply gap and hence expanding in Delhi is onestep further for bridging this mighty gap
Talkingabout expanding in Delhi Ms Ekta Kapoor Joint Managing Director BalajiTelefilms & Member of ICE Academic Council said “Thereis plenty of talent in our country today and it just needs to handpicked andchannelized correctly. I want to reach out to masses from all over our countryand provide them with the right kind of expertise that will help them go a longway. Looking at the kind and amount of talent that comes from Delhi, we felt itwas best we set up an institute in their home city. All doors are open at ICEDelhi for those with the right kind of grit, eagerness and enthusiasm”
CEOICE Mr Anurag Gupta says “Settingup a campus in Delhi is just the beginning and have many more in the offing inthe national arena. To cater to the industry’s growing demands for trainedactors; ICE will ensure that they take those extra measures to make certainthat they churn out the most superior quality talent in the country”
Afterhaving trained over 700 students in Mumbai ICE is finally set to kick start itspower-packed curriculum for its Delhi Audience
About InstituteOf Creative Excellence
ICE is a worldclass media education institute, aimed at providing world class qualityeducation to the aspirants for entire gamut of Media & Entertainmentindustry related courses. It covers all major specializations like Acting,Modeling, Cinematography, Direction, Editing, Production, Scriptwriting, Soundand Visual effects.
At ICE, thestate-of-art infrastructure coupled with competent faculties, structuredcurriculum & blended teaching techniques are the key facilitators in theholistic development of students. To add to that, the ICE Mumbai trainingfacility is set amidst sprawling studios where some of the most popular serials& films are shot. This provides the students with a unique opportunity toget exposure to live environment & interface with renowned industryprofessionals. Students also have the flexibility of learning asper their convenience as the courses are available in 2 modes – Full time andPart time.