IMFFA – International Marathi Film Festival Awards in its first edition has gathered immense momentum and unprecedented response on announcing its nominations in the inaugural global award eventSuperstar Guest of honour Govinda -says Marathi cinema is going great guns. The story lines are fascinating and the awards are just pouring in. I’m so happy to support IMFAA 2014 and Chindrambam Rege spearheading international awards for Marathi cinema , and it’s great that it has received a global platform through IMFAA.“Chidambar Rege spearheading the festival and the awards panel said “I m overwhelmed at the amazing response and excitement the festival has generated worldwide and thankful to Mr Govinda for supporting and encouraging the audiences and all and all by being a part of this unique initiative, being held on the high seas on board the Majestic Star Cruise. Am sure the festival will take the popularity and quality of Marathi cinema beyond International borders to take it to scale newer heights