Hyderabad’​s a favorite for Shruti Hassan

Afterhaving settled in Mumbai,Shruti Hassan has barely had  quality time to spend in her sprawling newapartment in the suburbs –Reason being her long standing love for Hyderabad city !

Theactress who recently shifted base to Mumbai has been traveling back and forthto Hyderabadfor her professional commitments –

Explaininghow Hyderabad holds a special spot in her heartsays Shruti Hassan “Hyderabad has always accepted and loved my movies.  Gabbarsingh has been a huge hit over there. After being told its running house full,I managed to a theater visit, and I am extremely overwhelmed with the responsethat I’ve got from the people of Hyderabad.Now I’m busy with projects in Mumbai, but Hyderabadhas always been one of my favourite cities, and you will see me there a lotmore”