Here is why millions of people from around the globe believe that Priyanka chopra is a life goal !

Here is why millions of people from around the globe believe that Priyanka chopra is a life goal !

Here is why millions of people from around the globe believe that Priyanka chopra is a life goal !

Priyanka Chopra’s ‘Tough Cop’ Act In The New Promo of ‘Jai Gangaajal’ Is Awesome!

Priyanka Chopra fans from across the globe were recently asked about the reasons that made their favorite star an ultimate life goal and here’s what they had to say :

A benchmark of Glory –  Priyanka Chopra is a life goal for everyone who wants to dream big and is willing to work hard enough to achieve it. Everyone now wants to be the “PC of their field”.

The Small Town Hero – Proving time and again that nothing is impossible ..even for a small town girl .From Bareilly to Bollywood and now Baywatch.

A role model for millions – From being a superstar in Bollywood to a rising star in American pop culture, Priyanka Chopra is truly a trailblazer, creating ripples in unchartered waters of American television.One of the most recognized and applauded talents of Indian cinema, Priyanka Chopra, has always been a pioneer, pushing boundaries ,navigating tough terrain and going where no woman has gone before.

A real global Superstar – From a girl who no one knew about, to a woman who the world cannot stop gushing over. The actress has never taken her stardom or any opportunities that came her way for granted.

The Queen of Versatility – From winning a Padma Shri and a National award , to cutting international albums, to becoming the first Indian face to represent GUESS on an international platform , to frontlining a prime time television show in America and now  starring in her first Hollywood film as the villian there anything PC can’t do?

A Woman with Courage – From being an introvert to ruling the hearts of millions by bravely participating in a world pageant at the age of 18 and ever since there has been no looking back.

Living the life millions dream of – The actress and international icon is literally living out of a suitcase and traveling the world on her professional commitments. She is truly living life king size.

The Risk Taker – Priyanka has always taught us to never be afraid , break stereotypes and never say never !

One of the most popular names in the world – With a twitter following of 13.1 million  and an Instagram following of 5.8 million !

Powerful and Redefining the New Age Woman – She is a tremendous symbol of a new age for women across the globe. The actress and icon has redefined the role of women in Indian cinema, she has become a brand that is rated as one of the most powerful brands around the globe and is one of the most influential women today.