Gattu,the Children’s Film Society, Indiafilm directed by Rajan Khosa has yetagain proved its potential on international film arena. The children’s film wasinvited to the Indian Film Festival ofLos Angeles. On Sunday, the film won the “Audience Award” and “HonorableMention Award” in LA. “It is a veryproud moment for me and everyone who is associated with Gattu. Gattu, played by Samad Mohammad, whose trustand love I received, was a natural kite flyer. In almost every small town inIndia, you see street kids, selling trinkets, playing pranks and begging. Youignore them, or you dole out a coin or two, but you and I know, they are fartoo smart to be wasted like this. So for GATTU, we deliberately chose a smalltown, representative of majority of India. Today the film belongs to thecommunity of Sati Mohallah in Roorkee where we shot, every object and actor inthe film is local, except for a very few theatre actors. We scanned the streetsand schools for kid actors, inviting them to join our film workshop. The filmGATTU, we told them, will communicate the need to educate street children. Theseawards are only a tiny step towards the massive task of empowering streetchildren in India,” says an excited Khosafrom LA. The film was screened at ArclightHollywood, which is the biggest movie screen in LA
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Highlights of day 2 (Sunday, October 20) of MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2024
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