The demure former Miss India Navneet Kaur Dhillon was the perfect fit in her debut film Loveshhuda opposite Girish Kumar, she subsequently featured in a string of notable Bollywood & Punjabi films like- Ambarsariya opposite Diljit Dosanjh, Nee Tu Jatt Di Pasand opposite Gippy Grewal & many more, Navneet Kaur Dhillon gears up for her next film Amavas alongside Nargis Fakhri & Sachin Joshi “I will start to shoot in this month. Amavas is a great film with a great script, it is unlike those quintessential Bollywood horror films. I am looking forward to being on the sets & start shooting”.
It is interesting to see actors like Navneet Kaur Dhillon , Anushka Sharma and Nargis experimenting with horror, which was until now only limited to a few actors and newcomers “Although I am a few films , old exploring a genre like horror is great. Until few years back it was only Bipasha Basu who was the only actress who was triumphing this genre. Today we see so many other actress doing horror flicks. I have grown up watching horror films & TV shows & now acting in Amavas is overwhelming”.
Insisting that his foray into the world of performing arts was not a flash-in-the-pan decision, Miss India- turned actress says that it is her passion & love for the craft of acting which is the prime factor that attracts her to be a part of the Indian film fraternity.
Amavas is directed Bhushan Patel & by produced by Sachiin Joshi’s Viiking Media & Entertainment, Thoth Ventures and Simply West UK. The film is scheduled to release this year, and has taken the plunge to make the innocent look rather evil.