Adding another feather to her hat, choreographer /director Farah Khan joined the esteemed panel of “Women Changing India” – Barnard College of Columbia University’s Fourth Global Symposium, wherein preeminent women in the country and region-leaders in government, commerce, media and arts shared their success stories and unique perspectives on how they continue to shape and develop India.
Farah Khan joined the likes of other honoraries like reformer and India’s first woman police officer Kiran Bedi ,Teach India founder Shaheen Mistri,Shahnaz Husain – Chairperson ,the Shahnaz Husain Group, Mirai Chatterjee–Director of Social Security at SEWA all who were part of the Barnard University’s “Women Changing India” Symposium.
The program featured panels on social activism,entrepreneurship and arts .Farah Khan who joined the second panel titled “Voices of the Region” along with panel members Nandita Das (actress and activist),Brinda Somaya (architect and conservationist ) and Mallika Kapur (CNN’s International Correspondent ) spoke at length about the essence of Indian culture in the media, how she aims to strike a balance between her individual perspective and thoughts that influence followers –
Says Farah Khan “It was a great honour to be asked by Columbia University- Barnard College to be on their panel of “Women Changing India”.Great women achievers were speaking on the panel,and it was a humbling experience to be amongst them..”.