Every girl is special says RASHAMI DESAI SANDHU

Every girl is special says RASHAMI DESAI SANDHU

Every girl in this world is god gifted in some way or the other. This could not have been truer than what celebrity Rashami feels. The actress believes that every girl is gorgeous and gifted by the almighty. It is her firm belief that every girl should be respected for her beauty, good qualities and abilities as a professional in any field. She feels that girls are beautiful creations of god, should be given the highest amount of respect and appreciation for their hidden talent and potential at whatever they do she also believes that things are changing and women will be at the forefront of any field and are equal to men in any profession.

She also took to twitter to share these views saying “Every girl comes with her own beauty package, appreciate it & respect it!”


We hear you Rashami & respect you for this thought!