Education system should highlight entrepreneurship – APJ Abdul Kalam
Former President A P J Abdul Kalam has called for creating an educational system that highlights the importance of entrepreneurship. Addressing the students of IIT-Bombay on the occasion of the 54th Foundation Day in Powai, Mumbai, Dr Kalam said “in the present context, the education system has to be designed to see that we generate large number of employment generators and not employment seekers.” To achieve this he listed three-pronged strategy that would make education more attractive, make it skill imparting and simultaneously create employment potential.
Firstly, Dr. Kalam said the education system should prepare the students to get oriented towards setting up of enterprises which will provide them creativity, freedom and ability to generate wealth.
Secondly, the banking system should provide venture capital to the graduates who have the aptitude and keenness to create their own new enterprises.
Thirdly, entrepreneurs have to produce the competitive products for becoming successful in their missions.
Former President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam at the “Bio Sciences & Bio Engineering Exhibition” of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai on March 11, 2013
Dr Kalam asked IIT Bombay to take the lead by compiling success stories in the form of document highlighting venture capital funding and employment generation opportunities across the nation and the world, utilizing the services of its placements cell. He also said that IIT curriculum should provide market research support for selection of right products and hold the hand of the entrepreneur during the incubation period till they can stand on their own legs.
Through out his hour long address, Dr. Kalam laid special emphasis on research as a vital tool for innovation and excellence. He said “The teachers’ love for research and their experience in research are vital for the growth of the institution. Experience of research leads to quality teaching and quality teaching imparted to the young in turn enriches the research.”
Referring to the role of technology and its impact on society, Dr.Abdul Kalam said “technology is the non-linear tool available to humanity, which can affect fundamental changes in the ground rules of economic competitiveness. Science is linked to technology through applications. Technology is linked to economy and environment through manufacture of knowledge products. Economy and environment are linked to technology, which promotes prosperity to the society. We have to use innovation to generate high value added products for becoming a global player.”
Earlier in the day, former President of India inaugurated the new building of Bio-Sciences and Bio-Engineering Department of IIT Bombay. He said the convergence of technology and bio-sciences will lead to creation of products, like nano-robots for example, which would lead to a disease free and more intelligent human habitat with longevity and high human capabilities.
On the occasion, Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam also presented Distinguished Alumnus Awards, Young Achiever Awards and Faculty Awards inspiring the winners with his words of appreciation.
Former President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam inaugurated the “Bio Sciences & Bio Engineering Building” of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay on March 11, 2013
Part II
Highlights of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam’s address at the
54th Foundation Day of IIT Bombay on March 11, 2013
Importance of Research
Foundation for research springs for excellence in thinking and action. Good teaching emanates from research. The teachers’ love for research and their experience in research are vital for the growth of the institution. Experience of research leads to quality teaching and quality teaching imparted to the young in turn enriches the research.
Role of Technology
Technology is the non-linear tool available to humanity, which can affect fundamental changes in the ground rules of economic competitiveness. Science is linked to technology through applications. Technology is linked to economy and environment through manufacture of knowledge products. Economy and environment are linked to technology, which promotes prosperity to the society. We have to use innovation to generate high value added products for becoming a global player.
New frontiers of technology and their impact on human society
When Nano technology and ICT meet, integrated silicon electronics, photonics are born and it can be said that material convergence will happen. With material convergence and biotechnology linked, a new science called Intelligent Bioscience will be born which would lead to a disease free, happy and more intelligent human habitat with longevity and high human capabilities. Convergence of bio-nano-info technologies can lead to the development of nano robots.
Creation of excellence
Excellence is not by accident. It is a process, where an individual continuously strives to better oneself. When you strive to work to realize your potential, in the process, you will increase your performance. At all times you are not in competition with anyone else, but your own self. This is the culture of excellence.
If something is at stake, the human minds get ignited and the working capacity gets enhanced manifold. That’s what exactly happened. This is one of the techniques of building talent. The message is that young in the organization, whatever is their specialization, be trained to systems approach and projects, which will prepare them for new products, innovation and undertaking higher organizational responsibilities.
Transforming India into a developed nation
To achieve the distinctive profile of India, we have the mission of transforming India into a developed nation. One of the key requirements towards achieving the distinctive profile of the nation would be the creation of sustainable enterprise driven models at the rural levels. One such system which I suggest is PURA (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas). It is the creation of Physical, Electronic, Knowledge connectivities leading to the Economic Connectivity of the rural region. With this combined and planned intervention of infrastructure, digital technology, information and enterprise, we can select a cluster of about 20 to 50 villages, which share core competencies and empower those using local enterprises.
Thrust on entrepreneurship
In present context, the education system has to be designed to see that we generate large number of employment generators and not employment seekers. For this, a three pronged strategy is needed to make education more attractive, make it skill imparting and simultaneously create employment potential – how do we do that?
Three pronged strategy
Firstly, the educational system should highlight the importance of entrepreneurship and prepare the students to get oriented towards setting up of enterprises which will provide them creativity, freedom and ability to generate wealth.
Secondly, the banking system should provide venture capital to the graduates who have the aptitude and keenness to create their own new enterprises. We need a large number of such venture capital institutions who can share the risk and promote entrepreneurs, especially with the investment in micro financing band. The IIT placement services can bring out the success stories in the form of document highlighting venture capital funding and employment generation opportunities across the nation and the world.
Thirdly, entrepreneurs have to produce the competitive products for becoming successful in their missions. The IIT Curriculum should provide market research support for selecti8on of right products and hold the hand of the entrepreneur during the incubation period till they can stand on their own legs. IIT Technology Incubation Centre can also enrich the product of the enterprise through feedback of research results. Ends.