Budget Quote By Mr. Pradeep Nair, MD, India and SAARC Autodesk

Budget Quote By Mr. Pradeep Nair, MD, India and SAARC Autodesk


Budget 2013: “The budget was austere in character and as expected stressed on fiscal prudence. What should please us in corporate India is the fact that the FM has laid a lot of importance on two specific areas which are imperative to boost growth- namely infrastructure development and Medium and Small enterprises. In particular, the move to extend MSME benefits for a period of three years post moving to a higher category is welcome. The exemption of 15% in investments of more than 100cr to setup plant and machinery should also provide a huge leg up to the manufacturing sector. The commitment to increase the availability of low cost funds to infrastructure sector is noteworthy. I am also particularly pleased with the emphasis on national skill development as well as the separate amount of rupees 200cr to fund ‘technology for common man’, which is perfectly aligned to our corporate vision. Overall, not much that’s spectacular or game changing in the budget, but well balanced.” Pradeep Nair, MD, India and SAARC Autodesk