Bipasha Basu gorges on her favorite food at TESO

Bipasha Basu gorges on her favorite food at TESO

Very few know that Bipasha Basu allows herself  to gorge on rice for a single day in the year . As the actress flew down to Goa to bring in her birthday, little did she know ,she was in for a surprise.

Celebrating at Goa’s hot-spot TESO, Bipasha was elated to find her favorite Biryani waiting for her ,courtesy Tanya Kumar,owner of TESO.

Tanya had specially flown down a Chef from Mumbai to whip up the delicacy just the way she likes it ,much to her and her guests delight.

Confirms Tanya, “It was great having Bipasha with us for her birthday. Though TESO only serves an international menu,we decided to give her a surprise, as she allows herself to eat rice only once a year and had some traditional biryani whipped up.”

The brainchild of Tanya Kumar and a treasure in the truest sense of the word – Tesò located in Goa, the country’s ultimate party destination, is the perfect way to unwind on the Waterfront at Siolim.

Fast becoming a hot-spot for Bollywood celebrities,the exclusive property,re-inventing elegance and integrity brings elements of nature and luxury for a day of vibrant music and fine dining.

Open from breakfast to midnight, Tesò,that promises to be nothing short of the realm of your luxury dreams,is fast becoming a hot-spot for Bollywood celebrities and was in the spotlight during the Sunburn Festival and AfterBurn parties last year which boasted of guests like Vikram Chatwal & Jake Jagger(Mick Jagger’s daughter to name a few, not to mention internationally renowned DJ’s.