Renowned producer TP Agarwal, the man behind many ablockbuster Hindi film, takes to magazine space with trade magazine, Blockbuster. To be edited by BhawanaSomaaya, the magazine, avers Agarwal, “is meant to fill a void in the space oftrade magazines.”
Says he, “just as one looks at making good films, one looksat bringing out quality entertainment productions. The publication is one suchinitiative.”
Amitabh Bachchan launched the first issue of the magazine atNovotel, Juhu in a star-studded gathering with TP Agarwal, Rahul Agarwal,Bhawana Somaaya, and stars including Sanjay Dutt, Prachi Desai, AshutoshGowariker, Sudhir Mishra, Mehul Kumar, Ananth Mahadevan, Jayaprada, Sriya Sharan, Narayani Shastri, Amarr Upadhyay, Tigmanshu Dhulia, Mukesh Bhatt, Madhur Bhandarkar, Anil Sharma, Nitin Keni, Azim Rizvi, Nazim Rizvi, Rahul Roy, Ravi Kissen, Manoj Tiwari, and a host of other celebs.