Be a part of MLTR’s 25th. Anniversary concert in Denmark and the SubCell streaming World Premiere !
MLTR celebrate their 25th. Year Anniversary on the international music scene, by coming back to The Most Beautiful Festival in Denmark ( in the city of Skanderborg, Denmark. In cooperation with SubCell and their excellent new streaming concept, you can be a part of this concert LIVE as it happen. Do not hesitate! The first 10.000 users are for free. From there it costs USD 2,00 to participate.
The concert is on the 11th. August at 21:45 CET (Central European Time).
MLTR are looking forward to play this concert LIVE to all of their fans worldwide !
It’s even better that it’s a Danish idea that has been developed and is now ready for the market. Whether you were a composer, producer or performer you almost got used to having lost control on the web over your own artistic performance, leading to other parties and the consumer deciding everything including the price. But this new technology offers good opportunities to create a business model where we, the artists, again have a say over our own productions. I believe this is a fantastic development.”
With the enormous and life changing impact that the internet has had in such a short time on producers, performers and last not least composers of music of all genres, it’s really great to learn that a technical development now also enables a new earning model that in practice benefits the right people on all levels of the music business – from the concept to the consumer.
Ivan Pedersen – DPA (KODA – royalties):
It’s a fascinating thought that an audience on the other side of the world or fans that couldn’t get a ticket to the annual festival can now get the chance to take part in a Smukfest Concert in real time. At Smuk Fest we really like the combination of the analogue beech forest and the latest technology. So when AUDUX asked if we would like to be part of the pilot project, we quickly said yes. Now we are really excited to see how many fans around the globe will be with us through this channel to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Michael Leans To Rock.”
Poul Martin Bonde – “Smukfest” (music festival in Skanderborg, Denmark):
SubCell is a new and exciting application that can bring a musical event to a world-wide audience in high quality sound without any form of go-betweens and by means that respect the artist’s rights. MLTR welcomes this service and we are proud to be the first to use this new application to come close to our fans all over the world by a new means.”
Kåre Wanscher – MLTR:
What others say about SubCell: Contact:
We look forward to presenting you this innovative development at its world premiere on 11th of August at 9:45 p.m. C.E.T. with MLTR (Michael Learns To Rock) at the “Smukfest” Festival !
The app was developed by AUDUX, a company in Nibe near Aalborg in Denmark. AUDUX ensures that the earnings are distributed to all concerned partners, that the musicians get the largest part of the total and that royalties are duly paid.
The artist and bands offer access to their concerts via SubCell and they define the price for the “tickets” themselves.
Music lovers can keep a clear conscience, too, as this is a 100 % artist-friendly set up ! Musicians and composers get the lion’s share of the earnings, event hosts and property rights organizations get a small share.
SubCell is the option for those who couldn’t make it to the concert or for those of you who can do without sore feet, beer haze and being squeezed in a crowd of people.
The first 10,000 subscriptions to this world premiere are free of charge, all further subscribers pay 2 US Dollars for the concert.
With this newly developed app it’s possible for the first time to watch a live concert in full length and in real time – and by paying only a small fee for the treat.
You can download SubCell at Apple’s and Google’s app-store. After installing the app, you open it and choose your concert from the list of events. In case you don’t have the necessary number of e-tickets on your SubCell account, you can purchase them via your Apple or Google account.
By using the SubCell App you can stream sound and video of the concert, starting on Sunday, 11th of August at the “Smukfest” festival in Skanderborg (Denmark), when MLTR (Michael Learns To Rock) will celebrate their 25th anniversary on the international music scene.
Now fans and musicians can be closer than ever – live and via smartphone. You can follow all the concerts that you’d like to see but can’t visit personally, directly on your smartphone – in real time, the very moment they are taking place.